Welcome to, "Ain't no need in me lying," clothing and accessory line! Where we tell the "HELPFUL' truth.

READ What this collection will do for you and others you love and hate...AIN'T NO NEED IN ME LYING!

Women's Collection

Ain't no need in nobody lying. Women are the most beautiful creatures God ever created. Women give in to a 'Yes,' when they really want to say 'No.' This collection will help encourage you to stand up for what is right. It will give you the strength, not to be on anybody side, but what's right side. What is the right side? The truth.

Men's Collection

Ain't no need in nobody lying. Men were made in the image of God. They are the strength of leadership and power. Yet they grow weak, from unrighteous women, life styles, and friends that put pressure on them to choose pleasure over what's important. This men's collection will help you put your mind and priorities in perspective.


Ain't no need in nobody lying. What we see, hear, feel, smell and touch influence our daily behavior. What we read can influence us for a lifetime. This accessory collection will help you and others speak the truth, without saying a word. Good or bad, give people the helpful truth. They will love and respect you for it.

Love the clothing line and the messages. You taught me how to say "No" nicely, so I don't hurt people's feelings. Thanks!

Becky Russell

I love to say, "Ain't no need in me lying." It's the best. Thank you. Now, I don't have to feel bad for telling the truth.

Tom Weber

That apple pie dress got my husband and I back in bed. Ain't no need in me lying. If I wore it every night, I wouldn't get no sleep. Thank you!

Pamela Lambert

Check out our collection of Women's, Men's and accessories

E-Books to order on Amazon for .99 cents

If you want to change your life and relationships for the better, adults read these two first books. If you want your children's lives to change for the better buy this Christian, magical, comedy adventure book.